Stephanie Trump - Sound of Song
Sound of Song
November, 2022
Singers in Accord warmly welcomed Stephanie Trump as guest conductor with the ensemble, to present a wonderful fall concert program titled "Sound of Song," inspired by Jake Runestad's "A Silence Haunts Me," the text of which was taken from Beethoven's letters written during his journey to deafness.
The hour-long concert shared music that emulates the impact of sound and song on the human spirit. What are all the purposes for which we engage in singing? What would we lose if we could no longer sing?
Stephanie Trump
Stephanie Trump
Stephanie is currently the president of Minnesota ACDA and recently received the prestigious NFHS Outstanding Music Educator Award. She has been the choral conductor at Armstrong High School since 1996 leading one of the premier choral programs in Minnesota. She is also a member of the faculty of the University of Northwestern. Stephanie has a strong alumni following and we anticipate many will join us for this project.