Linda Burk - Remember, Renew, Rejoice!
Remember, Renew, Rejoice!
November, 2021
Singers in Accord welcomes our friend Linda Burk as guest director to present a beautiful fall concert program titled "Remember, Renew, Rejoice," centering on our journey as we joyously returned to singing together. The song texts welcome music back into our days with selections from composers such as Paulus, Dickau, Purcell, Gershwin, Hagenberg, and more.
This event will be livestreamed from our "Singers in Accord Song Factory," where we rehearse and perform with careful pandemic choral guidelines in place.
Linda Burk
Linda Burk
Linda Burk, Singers in Accord’s founding artistic team leader, brings her personal warmth and professional skills as educator, voice teacher, choral conductor, music academy program coordinator and professional singer to lead SIA as we return to rehearsals, restore our healthy singing skills, renew our community connections, and rejoice in creating beautiful art together.
Linda holds a MM from the University of Minnesota and a BM from Lawrence Conservatory of Music. She recently retired from a long career as a music educator in the Osseo Area school district. Her teaching, coaching, and conducting experience includes working with singers of all ages and musical levels in schools, community college, churches, and arts schools, notably MacPhail Center for Music where she served as chair of the voice department. In addition to teaching, Linda has been a professional singer with such groups as Dale Warland Singers, and Westminster and House of Hope Presbyterian Churches.
Linda is currently the Traditional Worship Arts Director for Faith Lutheran Church in Forest Lake, MN where she conducts the Faith Choir, Family Choir, Youth Choir, and small choral ensembles. Linda is also the Director of Faith Music Academy where she gives voice instruction, acting as the primary administrator for instructors and students. More information on Faith Music Academy can be found at